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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Victory for Conservativism?

Show me a conservative who voted for McCain for any reason unrelated to 1) the fear of a radical leftist running this country or 2) a love of Sarah Palin, and I will show you someone who wasn't really a conservative.

McCain should never have been chosen to represent the GOP. He was a RINO (Republican in name only), and as liberal a Republican as we could have nominated. He had no business at the top of the republican ticket because 1) he was not a conservative, 2) he could not inspire the conservative base, and 3) he could not inspire the American people.

Barack Hussein Obama is as liberal, radical, and as far left a candidate as any that has ever run for office on the Democratic ticket. He is an unrepentant socialist with communist tendencies, terrorist friends, and is beloved by the admitted enemies of America. With rhetorical flourish and empty statements Obama managed to inspire unprecedented support. He inspired the radical left wing of the Democrat party, he inspired millions of colored Americans who never believed they would see an African-American as president, he inspired millions of guilty white Americans, who believed it was time for an African-American president.

To that end, it is a historic election. I am glad we live in a country where there is no color barrier for the top job. I'm glad America is able to choose a black President, I'm just disappointed that the first African-American serving as President isn't a Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby, Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglas type... instead we have a socialist/communist/tied-to-terrorists/extreme-left-wing man in that role. But I do congratulate Obama. As terrible a choice as he was to be the first African-American President, at least he succeeded and broke down the color barrier.

So how is this a victory for conservatism? John McCain represented change and movement within the Republican party. John McCain was a step towards the left instead of a step to the right. Bush was not conservative enough. His big government tendencies and socialist buy-outs are evidence of his failure to follow in the steps of Regan. But as disappointing as President Bush has been in his second term, he would have looked far-right compared to a McCain Presidency.

If McCain had won, we still would have had 4 years of Democrat leadership in the Whitehouse, but we would have no-one to blame for the failures of the Democrat policies. If McCain had won, the leader of the Republican Party would have been a leftist. The republican base, the conservatives, would not have had a voice in their own party. If McCain had won, the message would be this: Republicans don't need conservatives or at least they don't need conservatives at the top of the ticket.

John McCain lost because he wasn't a conservative, could not inspire the conservative base, and without the base could not inspire the American people. Until he chose a conservative icon, Sarah Palin, as his runningmate, he could barely draw a crowd. Conservatives voted for McCain because of Palin, not because of McCain.

Conservatives lost in this election for the same reason they lost in 2006. They could not inspire voters to vote for their candidate and their strongest argument was why they shouldn't vote for the other candidate. That doesn't work. Fear of the opponent does not inspire Americans to vote. Only love of their candidate will do that. Barack was loved by his base, loved by his race, loved by the left, and this love inspired the American people to turn out and vote for him. John McCain did not inspire love from his base. Sarah Palin did, but not John McCain.

So what does the Republican party learn from this? First, they need a real conservative at the top of the ticket. Second, it must be a candidate that the base can love. A candidate that will inspire hope and not merely inspire fear of the alternative. This election is a conservative victory because we aren't stuck with 4 years of McCain. Despite the great victory for the political left, even in election defeat, conservatives can claim victory because in 2 years and in 4 years, we will not repeat the same mistake.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Go Get 'Em John

I have to be honest, I am not a big supporter of John McCain, but when I see this it brings a smile to my face and really helps me warm to the guy.

Some donkey reporter for the AP was incorporating Democrat talking points into her questions to McCain, particularly with reference to Sarah Palin. Palin has more executive experience than anyone else on either ticket, but the reporter was casting her as being as being too inexperienced to be VP. More and more I think the term "too inexperienced" really means 'someone who is not an elitist, ivy league educated, comfortable inside the beltway and at DC cocktail parties, donkey.'

In any event, here is John McCain refuting the asinine assertions of the journalist:

Amazing Youtube Video: Burning Down the House: What Caused our Economic Crisis

This is version 2. It is possible that the link will go down due to copyright claims:

So here is version 3 (I believe the same content, essentially, just a few seconds longer and without the copyrighted music in the background)

I thought the video was very well done. (I had nothing to do with it, just wanted to share it).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

I woke to the incessant ringing of my phone, torn from the warmth and comfort of my bed. My dorm room felt quiet and hollow, and the ringing phone echoed down the hall. I squinted to see my alarm clock, which had not yet gone off. "Who could be calling me this early," I thought. THIS was why I hadn't signed up for an early class this semester.

"Dude, are you watching this?"

"What? Huh? Watching what?"

"Dude, you have got to turn on the TV. A plane just crashed into the World Trade Center in New York."

"What?" I didn't have a TV in my room, but I did have a video card running a cable feed through my computer. I tuned to Fox News, which showed a single burning building on the screen.

"Are you seeing this?"

"Uh yeah, I just turned it on. What happened?"

"They think a small private plane may have made a wrong turn."

"Wow, what an idiot. Is everyone ok - Oh God! Did you just see that?"

"Huh, no what."

"Did another plane just hit the building?"

"I don't think so, are you sure that wasn't the first one. Oh wait, oh my God. Yeah a second plane hit."

"What the hell is going on!"

That is how I woke to 9/11. In a small, private, liberal arts college in Western Pennsylvania, a phone call from my best college friend, one of my fraternity brothers. We stayed on the phone all morning watching it all unfold.

Were we at war? Who was attacking us. What should we do?

The Pentagon had been hit. We were definitely at war. But with who?

And then it happened. I saw it first.

"Oh God! Oh Jesus Christ. Holy [expletive] [expletive] Did you just [expletive] see that!"

"No what"

"One of the buildings is gone!"

"What? What do you mean."

"It's gone. One of the building is gone."

"No I think it was just an explosion, there is a lot of smoke."

"No dude, the building is gone. It's gone!"

"Oh [expletive]. You're right. Dude, there are no more twin towers. There is only one now. Oh my God. I can't believe it."

It was at that point that I think we all sort of went into shock. Before long, the second tower fell.

The TV showed business men, police, women, children, EMT's and firefighters covered in dust, and crowds of people fleeing the city.

It was founder's day at my college. The freshmen, faculty, and many other students had spent much of the morning completely unaware of what was unfolding. In the background, I heard the students walking through the quads. Many of them knew we were under attack, none of them knew how bad things were in New York.

I snapped out of my funk.

"Oh Christ!" I thought, "My parents were flying out to Los Angeles today." For two hours I tried calling them on a friend's cell phone. All circuits were busy. When I finally did get through, it went straight to voice mail.

I called my brother, who was going to school in New York, on Long Island.

"Are you Okay? I heard a plane went down south of Pittsburgh. Did you guys see it do down?

"No. We are fine. It didn't come down around here, but we are fine. Are you guys ok?"

"Yeah, but a few of my classmates went into the City this morning. No one has been able to get ahold of them yet."

"Don, have you been able to talk to Mom and Dad today?"

"Yeah, they called me. I think they had to land in Denver or something. They said their plane had been diverted, and they couldn't talk anymore. I guess security is really tight right now, and the cell phones don't work. They were asking if you were OK, they heard a plane went down near you guys"

I burst out in tears of relief, but also fear, shock, and anger. All morning I didn't know if my parents were safe. I didn't know if they were alive. I let go of the fear and angst with a steady release of emotion.

The television was reporting an estimated death toll between 10,000 and 20,000.

The friend who called came down to the fraternity house.

"What are we going to do."

"What can we do?"

"Sarah and I were going to go give blood. Wanna go?"

"Sure. Let's go."

A group of us who had been glued to the television all morning tore ourselves away from the footage of the towers falling, and the chaos it left in it's wake. The constant loop was seared into our hearts and I think we had to escape it.

Eight of us left the bunker like dorm and walked outside. For 5 of us it was the first time we left the building that day. I will never forget how beautiful it was outside. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Not one. There was a gentle, cool breeze. It was a picture perfect day. The sky was as beautiful a blue as I have ever seen. Infact, to this day I think of September 11th whenever I look up into a crystal clear blue sky.

We picked up a few friends on our way to the parking lot. We squeezed like sardines into the small compact cars. It was such a nice day, we probably should have walked the mile or two to the blood bank, but there was a sense of haste in our journey.

When we got to the blood bank, there was a line out the door. By the time we left, there was a line around the block. There was a Domino's Pizza three doors down owned by an (Iranian?) family. They brought free pizza and drinks to everyone waiting in line. They kept them coming for hours. The blood bank didn't ask for the help, but they had run out of cookies and punch hours before and were grateful for something to offer people. As the tv in the bloodbank showed the events of the day unfolding, I didn't have much of an appetite. But I appreciated the gesture. We were all Americans that day. The local newspaper showed up and interviewed a classmate as she gave blood. She spoke for everyone in line. We wanted to help, and the people trapped in the rubble were going to need a lot of blood.

We didn't know how few people would be pulled from the rubble.

When we returned to the school we learned that classes had been canceled and would be canceled again the following day. A ceremony was planned for 6:00PM on the 12th, the school would come together and discuss how our community would move forward.

The coming days and weeks were a blur. Like millions of other Americans, I watched the news 24/7. I probably cried more in the month of September, 2001 than in any month since I was a baby.

One of the stand out moments in television, for me, was when Dan Rather appeared on the Tonight Show with David Letterman. After the attacks, America basically came to a halt. The whole world mourned. Sports, TV shows, the late night shows, all just stopped. Letterman, based in New York, was fittingly the first late night host to return to the air waves. Before Rathergate, before the Democrats changed their mind about Iraq, back when we were all still proud, mourning Americans, Rather delivered one of the most emotional addresses and explanations of what happened that you will see. Whatever you may think of the disgraced TV anchor now, I'd like to remember him this way:

When Dan Rather quotes America the beautiful, I still break down.

"Oh beautiful for patriot's dream/That echoes through the years/Thine alabaster cities gleam/Undimmed by human tears."

"We can never sing that song... again... that way."

That was 9/11 one week on.

This is how I pay tribute and remember it 7 years on.

Russ Vaughn

Russ and I became internet pen pals of sorts through our mutual interest in politics. I was one of the earliest websites to post his work and consider myself to be an ardent and vocal supporter of his literary-political efforts. For a time I tried to catalogue and provide a comprehensive collection of his works. Alas, I eventually stopped blogging, but Russ did not stop writing and I have not stopped reading his works. Now Russ can be read on the likes of Old War Dogs and The American Thinker. His writings have been frequently been read by political commentators, and have been read on radio programs such as The War Room, featuring Quinn and Rose (the greatest Political Morning Talk show in the country), and the Sean Hannity Show. Many congratulations to Russ, I wish him continued health and success.

Below are all the pieces I have posted by Russ. This list is far from comprehiensive, but is a nice collection of his early works.

NYT's Sinking Stock

Poor Lad

Donny Boy

Higher Education

Poor Casey

Release The Captured Documents!

The Sore of Gore

Weighing the Options

Going to the Dogs

WaPo Weasels

Tasteless Unpatriotic Rag

Flight 93 - The Movie

Force Multipliers

The Hastert Protocol


The Rookies


Dogged DeLay

Helping the least among us

A Useful Death

Jihad Jane

Handmaidens of Terror?

The Battered-Left Syndrome

The Eagle and the Serpents

Two Birds, One Stone

Forever Green

Liberal Experts

The "No Right Answer" Game

Naught's Solved By War

Food For Thought

Slope Skulled Poetry

Old Sarge Gets A Care Package

Mad How Disease

The Fool and the Traitor

The Gang That Won’t Shoot Straight

So You Say You Support The Troops? 2d Ed.

How many Liberals does it take to win a war?

Liberals love America like...

When the World Dials 911

Rough Men

Out-Dumbed, by George!

Scout's Honor

That’s The Way They Were Raised

So You Support the Troops?

Fightin' Words

Proud Thanks

The Last Battle of Vietnam

Swift Justice

Their Veterans' Day

The Question

The Sheepdogs

Chicken John

Vet's View

Big ol’ Sissy

I Don't Know War

Unconquered Men

Take Your Apology And ...

The Road Less Graveled

Let Their Voice Be Heard

Danny Boy

Open Letter: CEO’s

Veterans Day


Open Letter: McCain

I First Loved the War...

Media Bias? No, By Us

The Veteran in the Wall

The Night Before Christmas (Cambodian Version)

The Zero Hero

For The Children

Dear John (Edwards)

The Manchurian Candidate

The Edwards Pick

The Nigerian Candidate

Russ Vaughn Speaks Out

Let their sacrifice...

Hey, hey JFK

Matt Damon: Palin like 'a relly bad Disney movie' / American Movie Goer: Matt Damon like 'a really bad actor'

I think the title says it all.

Matt Damon on Palin

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