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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

l - a - z - y

I have been lazy as of late...

It isn't that I have had nothing to blog about. The whole bogus "Bush is spying on Americans" story - a story you had to read to the bottom to get all the facts, a story that was very misleading and would probably have been a better fit in the op-ed column - that was a story I wanted to blog about.

The first paragraph came off like any great lie: sprinkled with just enough truth to avoid being libel. The spin left the White House in a tizzy. I wish Bush would have said to the news reporters in the press conference that came in the days following the bomb shell, "It wasn't all that long ago that I took office for my first term. I was busy trying to implement my domestic agenda, to pass comprehensive legislation that would fulfill my vision of leaving no child left behind. In fact I was reading to school children one morning not too long ago, and on MY watch 3000 Americans were murdered on US soil, innocent men, women and children killed on the darkest day in our nation's history. It happened on MY watch; and it will never happen again - not on my watch. You want me to protect this nation and I have. America has not seen a single major attack on our soil since 9/11. This is no accident. My administration has made national security it's number one priority and we are winning the War on Terror. The NYT has leaked highly classified information and effectively weakened our ability to monitor terrorists within this country. The Senate has made an even bigger blow to our National Defense by failing to provide my administration with the patriot act provisions that enable my administration to protect our Homeland. The NYT's ought to be ashamed. The Senate ought to be ashamed. As for me, I am proud of my administration. I stand by my decisions. I have not broken the law nor acted outside the bounds of my authority as Commander in Chief. I have kept America safe from terrorists and I will continue to do so for the remainder of my term." If the President had said something to this effect, I would have been proud to have supported him in 00 and 04 instead of banging my head against the wall.

I also thought the timing of the story was highly suspect. Iraq has another historic election and instead of Bush's success in Iraq being a main focus, the good ole NYT's gives us a "scandal" juicy enough to distract America from one of George Bush's greatest triumphs: installing democracy in the heart of the Muslim world.

Honestly I really wanted to take some time to write out thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of this story, but instead you just get ramblings... if anyone is even reading this anymore (I wouldn't blame you I post so infrequently).

I am thinking of making another blog since I try to keep this one mainly political and not personal in the least.

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