I didn't really blog much about my opposition to issues 2-5, but as an Ohio resident I am relieved that my fellow
Ohioans made the right choice in this election and kept Ohio's laws free from outside influence.
What does it all mean? Well next time the
leftists start handing out crack for votes at least the famous new registered voters, like
Mary Poppins, will still have to show up to vote instead getting to vote absentee.
The people responsible for overseeing our electoral process will still be accountable to the people.
We will still be able to donate money effectively and KNOW how much Soros is donating to fringe leftist groups.
And when the Republicans are in power, and when the Democrats are in power, the majority party will still be in change of drawing the district lines.
So Ohioans can sleep easy tonight knowing that the
national effort to take control of our
state electoral process was rebuked. Whew.