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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Who Won the Final Debate

Here is what I predict: Both sides say they won (obvious). The Press releases a bunch of polls saying Kerry won. Pundits and news sources will say that Bush won or that it was too close to call, fitting their preconcieved to the wire storyline.

Bush was on the offensive tonight. He scored a lot of good points. Bush showed a lot of composure having to answer some pretty tough questions. Kerry, on the otherhand, had several softballs thrown to him. Honestly, the questions tonight were, I think, worse that the first debate in terms of being slanted from the start; despite this I think the President was giving better answers to the tough questions/softballs for Kerry.

Kerry gave a fine performance, but he was defesive at times. He also made the outrageous comment about Dick Cheney's daughter.

I think Kerry had an edge in the first debate where his style triumped over Bush's substance. In the VP Debate, Cheney mopped the floor with Edwards. In the second Presidential Debate, I think Bush had a clear win on the basis that, although the debate was close, Bush's style improvement worked as a major plus. Essentially Bush won again on substance but took away Kerry's style advantage, making him Bush the winner. Tonight, both candidates had their shining moments; but Kerry had some really bad moments. This was Kerry's worst showing on style; he never had a chance on substance... he is running on raising taxes, increasing the government, taking away gun rights; he really showed that he is a tax-and-spend Mass liberal. I think the Nod has got to go to Bush.

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