So, you may be wondering... who started this whole thing by calling John
Waffles Kerry a waffler?
Does anybody know?
Posted with permission from Pritchett Cartoons
Yeah! You guessed it. Joe Lieberman.
So what can be learned from all of this? Well, John
Waffles Kerry is now stuck with a reputation for
Waffling, which he came by honestly enough; but the phrase was coined first by one of his own colleagues who used it against him. Perhaps in the future the Democrats, and Republicans, will learn from this gaff. Negative politics and name calling have no place in a serious candidate's campaign... ESPECIALLY IN THE PRIMARIES. Maybe if the Democrat candidates had focused more on discovering issues and less on casting each other, and the President, in a negative light, Kerry would have a better issue than the economy... which is smokin right now. If John
Waffles Kerry's best issue is the job rate and economy then this campaign season should be a breeze.